It’s time to get web compliant
In light of recent scandals involving data security, and because we design and produce websites for the real estate industry (including finance related websites), we take issues of data security seriously. So we want to bring to the attention of our clients and friends upcoming requirements for GDPR compliance. What’s GDPR? And what does it mean for your website? We’ve got you covered in our latest blog post here.
Instagram 101
Are you on Instagram? (If you’re not, let’s talk.) If you’ve wondered if you should be and how to use the tool, this piece from Fine Homebuilding might help. Sure, it’s geared towards contractors but it does have some great tips. Our favorite tip is this: You have to commit to Instagram, because it takes a lot of work to grow your following and a dedicated audience. True, true. Go all in or don’t go in at all.
The state of social media
It’s April (already?!) and it’s time to look at where social media is in in the first part of the year. First, the bad news from a new study: social media usage is down overall. It’s not anything to be concerned about -various social media apps are still used by 77% of Americans every day. But what really stuck is that visual programs (like Instagram and Snapchat) are growing, while text-based social apps (like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn) dropped or saw zero growth. Get ready to get visual.
Clients in the news
Here are some recent successes from our mighty PR team! (We don’t like to brag, but…)
Trendmaker Homes’ President Joe Mandola was featured in a cover story in Houston Agent magazine.
For buyers looking for a new home fast, consider a spec home. Read all about what client TRI Pointe Group has to say about it in New Home Source.
Builder magazine reported on Darren DuPree, who was just named as the new president for TRI Pointe Homes’ Colorado division.